Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Happy Easter! As you are probably aware, every year our Diocese holds the Bishop’s Ministries Appeal. This yearly appeal assists our Bishop in funding more than 70 diocesan ministries and programs encompassing Religious Education and Faith Formation, Pastoral Ministries and Services, Clergy Formation and Support, Priest Retirement and Care, and Support for Catholic Schools and Parishes in need. The Appeal makes a difference in the lives of thousands of people every day throughout the Diocese of Oakland. The theme of the Appeal for 2024 is Many Ministries, One Church. This theme is meant to remind us that each of us is an essential member of the Body of Christ that is the Church. Our charitable works are strengthened when we work together to bring forth the Kingdom of God. Nothing collected in the Bishop’s Ministries Appeal is used to settle legal cases of any kind. Since your donation to the Appeal is designated specifically for the Appeal, it is also not available to fund bankruptcy proceedings. Funds raised by the Appeal are never directed to any other use. This year, our parish goal is the same as 2023: $117,500.00. Last year we reached 58.16% of our goal. Thank you to all who gave. This year I am confident we can reach at least 70% of our goal. As always, if we exceed our goal, our parish will receive 100% of all excess funds back for our own use. You may have already received information about the Bishop’s Appeal by mail. Additionally, informational brochures and Appeal pledge envelopes are available in the vestibule of the church. I realize that everyone’s financial situation is different. The decision you make to support the Appeal is between you and God. Please discuss your pledge to the Bishop’s Ministries Appeal with your family and prayerfully reflect upon the graces that God has bestowed upon you in your life. I know that through prayer and reflection you will come to a meaningful response. You are simply asked to make a 10 month pledge to the best of your ability. Next weekend, April 13 and 14, we will collect your pledge envelopes and donations during Mass. Of course, you can also give on-line or mail your pledge directly to the Diocese. The other side of this letter provides information for giving directly. Please remember the Bishop’s Appeal is not a second collection. Rather, it is a vital commitment to our Diocese which you can spread out as a ten-month pledge. While CCOP is our parish and our spiritual home, we are also part of a much larger, universal family to which we have responsibilities. If we act together as members of one family united in the love of the Risen Christ, we can accomplish great things. I thank you in advance for your generous response to the 2024 Bishop’s Ministries Annual Appeal Sincerely yours in the Risen Christ, Fr. Mark Wiesner Pastor |
Percentage of Goal
Achieved 41.00% Total Committed: $55,047.92
Overall Goal: $117,500 Actual Receipts: $48,205.71 Percentage of Goal: 41.00% |
Diocesan pastoral ministries and services focus on strengthening our faith, our families, and building up our parish communities by engaging our people in the daily life of the Church as they strive to live as faithful disciples of Christ.
Gifts to the appeal help support religious education and formation programs for thousands of youths and adults annually.
From initial formation into retirement, the diocese provides support for our priests. Additionally, continued updating and renewal for priests and deacons who faithfully serve our people is supported by your gift to the Bishop’s Appeal.
Each year, the diocese provides subsidies and grants to assist with operating expenses at our inner-city Catholic schools and for parishes and faith communities that are facing extraordinary and immediate financial challenges.
Every parish has its own needs and plans for growth and new ministries to better serve its parishioners and the local community. The Bishop’s Ministries Appeal will again return 100% of all monies collected over each parish’s goal for use at the parish level. |
Loving and merciful God, we are your family, brothers and sisters entrusted with the mission of your Church in the Diocese of Oakland.
Thank you for the precious gift of Your Most Holy Eucharist. Thank you for transforming us by it, and for filling us with your Divine Love so we can help bring Your Presence to our families, friends, neighborhoods, and the world. May our Blessed Mother, Queen of the World and patroness of our Diocese, lead us to You and walk with us in our challenges and struggles. May our work, through the Bishop’s Ministries Appeal, bring You joy and bring Your gentle mercy and care to all we serve. |
Please select "Catholic Community of Pleasanton" from the drop down menu.
The Catholic Community of Pleasanton
925.846.4489 St. Augustine Church
3999 Bernal Avenue Pleasanton, CA 94566 |
"To know Christ better,
live as He calls us to live, and make Him better known." |