Praying For An End To Abortion The Fall 2024 40 Days for Life Campaign will be taking place from September 25 - November 3. This campaign involves 40 days of visible, public, prayer vigils outside a Planned Parenthood center or other abortion facility in the community. It is a peaceful and educational presence, with no offensive signs. Those who are called to stand witness during this vigil witness to the sanctity of life and send a powerful message to the community about the tragic reality of abortion. With the help of the Holy Spirit we will change hearts and perhaps offer a woman a last chance for help in a crisis pregnancy. Local Vigil Location: In front of Planned Parenthood, 1357 Oakland Blvd., Walnut Creek, CA Local Vigil Hours: 7:00 AM - 7:00 PM daily except Sunday. (Minimum of 2 people for each one-hour time slot.) Information on the world-wide 40 Days for Life effort can be found at www.40daysforlife.com. Please consider signing up for an hour or more at the Walnut Creek location any time during the campaign at www.40daysforlife.com/walnutcreek. |
Next Step
1010 Murrieta Blvd Livermore, CA 94550 https://www.next-step.org/livermore Call: 925-425-0414 Text: 925-416-9997 Little Miracles Inc
1039 Serpentine Lane Suite E Pleasanton, CA 94566 https://littlemiraclespleasanton.org/ [email protected] 925-623-5407 RealOptions
1671 The Alameda #101 San Jose, CA 95126 https://www.realoptions.net/ Central San Jose 408-978-9310 East San Jose 408-272-5577 Oakland 510-891-9998 Redwood City 650-261-9115 Union City 510-487-4357 |
GHS Women’s Center
100 O’Connor Drive, Suite 1 San Jose, CA 95128 https://ghswomenscenter.com/ https://guadalupehopesociety.org/ Pregnancy Resource Center of Tracy
1039 N. Central Ave. Tracy, CA 95376 (209) 836-4415 https://tracyprc.org/ |
PREGNANCY HOTLINESNational Life Pregnancy Hotline
(800) 848-LOVE 24/7 Abortion Pill Reversal Hotline (877) 558-0333 Diocese of Oakland After the Choice Ministry Hotline (888) HOPE-790 |
POST-ABORTION HEALINGRachel’s Vineyard - National post-abortion healing ministry that provides powerful weekend retreats. The Diocese of Oakland sponsors two Rachel's Vineyard retreats in English and two in Spanish each year.
https://www.rachelsvineyard.org/ Project Rachel HopeAfterAbortion.org Diocese of Oakland: After the Choice Ministry https://oakdiocese.org/after-the-choice-ministry Real Options Obria Medical Clinics After Abortion Support https://www.realoptions.net/after-abortion-support/ |
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) Respect Life Program
https://www.usccb.org/respectlife https://www.usccb.org/prolife Respect Life - Diocese of Oakland https://www.oakdiocese.org/respect-life Respect Life: St. Bernard’s Parish in Tracy https://st-bernards.org/respect-life 40 Days for Life www.40daysforlife.com 40 Days for Life – Walnut Creek Campaign www.40daysforlife.com/walnutcreek Human Life International https://www.hli.org/ Charlotte Lozier Institute https://lozierinstitute.org/ https://lozierinstitute.org/15-facts-at-15-weeks/ |
Live Action
https://www.liveaction.org/ Priests for Life https://www.priestsforlife.org/ Sisters of Life https://sistersoflife.org/ Students for Life http://studentsforlife.org/ American Life League https://www.all.org/ National Right to Life https://www.nrlc.org/ California ProLife Council http://www.californiaprolife.org/ Stanford Students for Life https://prolife.stanford.edu/ |
1671 The Alameda #101 San Jose, CA 95126 https://www.realoptions.net/ |
Little Miracles Inc
1039 Serpentine Lane Suite E Pleasanton, CA 94566 https://littlemiraclespleasanton.org/ |
GHS Women’s Center
100 O’Connor Drive, Suite 1 San Jose, CA 95128 https://ghswomenscenter.com/ https://guadalupehopesociety.org/ |
2022 Baby Bottle Fundraiser Update
Using the $8,275 raised in the 2022 Knights of Columbus baby bottle fundraiser and presented to the Next Step Pregnancy Resource Center in Livermore, as well as matching funding from the Knights of Columbus Supreme and the 4US organization, Next Step was able to purchase an ultrasound machine toward the end of last year. The photo below shows the first client (holding ultrasound image) to see her preborn baby using this new ultrasound machine (shown in center of picture). Also shown are the three Next Step nurses now trained to operate this machine. |
The Catholic Community of Pleasanton
925.846.4489 St. Augustine Church
3999 Bernal Avenue Pleasanton, CA 94566 |
"To know Christ better,
live as He calls us to live, and make Him better known." |