Location St. Elizabeth Seton Chapel 4001 Stoneridge Drive Pleasanton, CA 94588 Time Each session starts promptly at 7:00 PM. Bi-Monthly Meetings
8 Week Grief Workshops Registration Required Join us and let us accompany you on your healing journey. A $20.00 donation is requested to help with the cost of the 8 week workshop. Fall Workshop
Spring Workshop
For more information about the evening sessions or our workshop, please call Barbara at (925) 846-3904.
Location St. Elizabeth Seton Chapel 4001 Stoneridge Drive Pleasanton, CA 94588 Time Each session starts promptly at 2:00 PM Spring Workshop
Drop In Sessions
$20.00 One Time Registration is requested For more information on the daytime sessions, please call Chris at (925) 846-5524. |
The Catholic Community of Pleasanton
925.846.4489 St. Augustine Church
3999 Bernal Avenue Pleasanton, CA 94566 |
"To know Christ better,
live as He calls us to live, and make Him better known." |